Sunday, April 11, 2010

greedy or just for entertainment?

Ok,for last assignment i've choose mas vs food for my assignment topic.So this is my second post.for what i've been searching, i have noticed that this tv program show is just an entertainment for me but some of them might think his attitude is just annoying and ill-mannered because the way he's tried to finish the food is horrible and terrifying for me.So for my opinion this eating challenge show is just an entertainment that can cheer up everyone.Do you agree with me?

by ida


  1. To a certain extent...yes maybe he is trying to get everyone to be more adventurous when trying food...As it is for entertaintment, the way he eats probably is to provid comical relief..On the other hand is he promoting, gulping down your food as proper behavior..hmmm

    What do you guys think?When does this program air, what channel?

  2. haha but it helps me feel better about myself when i'm gulping down food sometimes. Its nice to know i'm not the only person doing such hideous acts :D well i don't do it in public at least! Its on Discovery Travel and Living, channel 707 on astro, unsure about the times though. -Amelia-
