NEWSPAPER took their birth in the principal land of modern politicians,so we kinda have to thank the Italians for the idea of NEWSPAPER.
A NEWSPAPER is a publication containing news, information and advertising. General interest NEWSPAPER often feature articles on political events, crimes, business, art/entertainment, society and sports.
Basically thats a short definition about NEWSPAPER, do google or research about it if you wanna know more kay. =)
Talking about how do NEWSPAPER affect our daily life.?
NEWSPAPER plays an important role in our daily life, I believe most of you do agree with me don't you.?
Can you imagine the world now without NEWSPAPER.?
NEWSPAPER is one of the most affordable source of information we can get now in the market.!
We get to know whats happening around the world by just flipping through the NEWSPAPER, all we need is a little time, and knowledge will flow in just like that.!
NEWSPAPER are available in almost all kind of language all around the world now.!
Or maybe you're thinking that you can't get Malaysia's NEWSPAPER when you're in Japan.? You're wrong.!
With the current technology, information is just a CLICK AWAY.! =)
Just to make live easier for you guys, these are the links to online NEWSPAPER.
So people.! What are you waiting for.?! Grab a tea and a NEWSPAPER and enjoy reading.! =D
Comments are much appreciated.! Thank You.!
Till then
Adrian Leong =)
Are you going to look at online or offline? Or perhaps both under newspaper but with a focus maybe The Star or The Sun or NST(from traditional to online). Narrowing down will ensure you have better focus. What do you think?