Monday, April 5, 2010

National Geographic

The topic that I've chosen for the second assignment is the television program , about national geographic . National Geographic is not just about animals but also about environment , travel , culture and more. Throughout this television program , I get to know more about others religion and different countries culture . Culture is actually that bond which ties the people of community together . If refers to the pattern of human activity. The art , literature , language and religion of a community represent the community's culture. National Geographic introduced about all kind of culture , architecture , traditional attire , festival and handicrafts . Which means different religion and races has different culture. From the way they dress , food they consume , job that they work and language that they speak are all different. Culture shapes the personality of a community . It may affect us after watching or knowing others religion's culture . We might imitate they way they dress and learn to speak their language and more. As in like , teenagers nowadays always dying to learn japanese or korean language just because of their idols and they like their culture . The culture influence people easily through the media.


1 comment:

  1. Hey dear, good topic. Would like to maybe see you narrow it down since they are many areas that NG focuses on. Which are you more keen on? Animal? Nature.Make your scope smaller, easier to research, easier to focus= better quality assignment :)
