Monday, April 5, 2010

Of weirdness and geek cuisines :)

Man-oh-man. Now I'm handling THREE blogs :)

Well, the topic that I chose is more of a website online. It's available to ALL thinkers, activists and crazy pestilence (Me for example) :)
The website that I'm avidly on is called Care 2 Causes. Yes it supports causes and discusses MANY issues, signing petitions and once, I even managed to send a letter to Sarah Palin-the Alaskan governor, because the number of petitions signed to ban the use of wolf skin for fur clothing reached more than 200 000 votes. Yes, I know, I'm a nerd/geek/dork but animals are my passion and causes are what I live for and yes, BIOLOGY is my number one goal :)

This Care 2 Causes website is also a social network where I find people "my kind" who are willing to go all out for human and women rights, ETC. It's actually fun :)

We have forums discussing Lady Gaga, whether she is weird naturally or weird, goin against conforming in order to gain publicity. All in all, it's pretty analytical and often times, clashes in ideas come about when feminists anger men and all. Pretty fun to watch the "flying fiery darts" on cyber space :P

So hey, seriously, Care 2 Causes is a very general base for all opinions and causes to be aired and viewed. BEST part of all is, we're supported by news networks like the BBC channel and CNN :) How cool is that?? LOL!!

Question: Weird or not?? If yes, why?? Who are we to judge on what's weird or not?? ;)

Love, hugs and kisses,

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting. I'm familiar with the website, its nice to know someone cares more about whats happening around them rather than about their own self. Looking forward to see more interesting information in regards to this analysis!
