Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Oprah on Gay Marriages

On November 6th last year, Oprah had Ellen DeGeneres and her wife, Portia de Rossi as her special guests on her day-time talk-show. Oprah did not openly promote gay marriage, but her act of allowing Ellen and Portia to be part of her show proves that Oprah does support and approve of same-sex marriages. Oprah provided a platform for gay marriages to be campaigned for. Audiences are encouraged to be proud of who they are, and not live with shame because it does not matter if other people approve of us or not. It is difficult to estimate the number of gay people in America, but there are approximately 1.2 million gay people living with a same sex partner in the States (according to this website, http://www.avert.org/gay-people.htm) Therefore, I feel that it is important to urge people to live in their own skin. I mean, they did not choose to be gay and who are we to stop them for being who they are? It is not a crime to be ourselves.
cheers, Amelia

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